Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Bee Details

Edited to take out large pictures, since a lot of the details were much too visible.

For the most part, this is a nice piece to stitch. There is quite a bit of over one lettering, and special stitches galore. I'm especially fond of the little beehives toward the bottom. Plenty of little bees everywhere!

Oh, and the misspellings were part of the chart. Unless, of course, it is a take on some "old" English with which I'm not familiar.


  1. Both of your recent finishes are absolutely beautiful! I loved stitched Queen Bee - she was one of my favorite SB to stitch! Congrats again!

  2. Your " Queen" is just cute with all these pretty charms : you have done a great stitching again .
    Many congratulations to you :-)
