Saturday, July 14, 2007

"Once Upon a Time..."

There was a girl, who loved to stitch. She stitched all day and night. But then the Finishing Fairy told her, you have to finish this design before any other. If you do not, you will be turned into an ugly frog who will visit every stitcher in the world....:)))

No, just kidding. Since my design from Isabelle is finally stitched and finished...I can show it. It is a wonderful, stupendous and gorgeous design. I present, "Once Upon a Time" by Isadarena.
Above is the front cover. Next is the back.
The inside portion, first is the scissor pocket and inside cover.

And finally, the inside, all the way open.


  1. Thanks so much Michele for these beautiful pictures of your wonderful finish: I love it :-)

  2. That is beautiful - who is the designer?

    Here's the link for Isabelle's design. It's only going to be available for a short period.
