Friday, February 22, 2008

The Queen's Treasure Box

The Queen's Treasure Box or QTB fron now on....just too pretty. Of course, I had to have this one from market. I spent a good portion of Wednesday just basting all the sections for this one. I did start on the inside back panel (which is really the largest portion). There are just a lot of pieces for this box. I am not a "pink" person ordinarily. I will stay with the pink threads that are used, with the rest mainly purple (my favorite). I don't think I will make the outside box pink. I may just make the outside purple, too.;)

Anyway, here's my start on this one (a little close up):Inside Panel Close-up and the entire panel: Inside Back Panel

I still have quite a few stitches to do for this panel. Some lazy daisies, some Rhodes and some ribbon roses. And, I can't forget those little tassels! :)

1 comment:

  1. Michelle this is coming along beautifully, surprise surprise NOT. I can't wait to see more of it. I hummed and haaaad about it but decided to buy the chair instead, which I won't be starting anytime soon as I have so much else to do first. But this looks absolutely gorgeous. Lots of Love Patti xxx
