Saturday, March 29, 2008

Swans and frogs and border...

I just have one more little bee to stitch over one for the hardanger heart band to be finished on my WSG. I put a piece of fabric behind so that the hardanger and hemstitching would show a little better.
WIP 3/29/08 (a)

(the little scissor charm does hang straight, I just did not see that it was crooked before I took the picture.)

and a little more border (on the sides and the bottom leaf border) on My Needles Work. This one is getting very close to being finished. I just have that border to finish and fill in her apron.
WIP 3/29/08 (a)


  1. Michele, both projects look great! Your hardanger and hemstitching look beautiful! You did a great job on it! :)

  2. Thans so much, Nicole! I've enjoyed alternating between the two.

