Thursday, October 2, 2008

"The Zone"

OK, time for me to "wax poetic" a bit. No, this is not about the Twilight Zone...not at all. It's about that "zone" that your mind reaches when you are stitching. Stitching something you are totally enjoying. There are no unwanted visits from those pesky frogs. Every stitch is just so. Your threads do not tangle and knot. You stitch happily and pleasantly instead of being frustrated by every single stitch you make. That "zone". Been there? Well, last night for the first time in a very long time (especially with my recent visitations from the frogs)...I was in "the zone." I forgot what it was like. When I first started stitching, I was in "the zone" all the time. I loved everything I worked on. Now, this is not to say I do not like the pieces I am stitching. It just seems that the older I become, the harder it is to reach "the zone." Too many life distractions, family, home obligations, bills, etc., you know, just too much some days. I have always used my stitching as an escape from life's realities. (At least during the stitching process.) But last night was just one of those "old time" calm, happy, "I love stitching" feelings again. I did not want to stop last night. Here the clock said midnight, and I was still ready to go...but I put my stitching away...all the time thinking..."'s still here.":))

After my complete rambling on above, I am sure you would like to see the result of my "zone" stitching, right? Here's Fran (Letters from Nora, Nora Corbett Designs. :))


  1. Beautiful stitching Michele. And your little fairy is fast growing. She's lovely.

  2. Wow, she's almost done! See you later in "the zone"..... yes, I go there too, whenever I manage to.
