Sunday, November 9, 2008

What?? Long time...

Upper corner progressTop

Inner Corner

no see! It's Medieval Town Mandala. Because I forgot how beautiful this one was, a few pictures of different portions.

After working on Mini Mandala Mystery III and remembering how gorgeous the colors were in MTM, I pulled it out from hiding. This picture shows a little bit of progress on the last central building. I completed all the portion below the green roof.MTM WIP


  1. Lol, we have almost the same title on our posts today! Glad you took this out of hiding Michele, it really is a gorgeous project - though the house rows took so long they almost made me give up...

  2. It's funny, we started blogging on the same year and month.

  3. Michele you are BAD!!! Now you have me drooling again over another mandala.

  4. Thanks, all!

    Gabi, didn't MTM just become available again?

    Chiloe, that is unusual, isn't it?

  5. I LOVE MTM! I actually ordered it awhile ago, just waiting for it to arrive. It's my favorite mandala so far I think, though I haven't stitch any of them yet, lol.

    Your's looks amazing, and now I really can't wait for mine to get here!!!!
