Sunday, April 19, 2009

Block #2

Block #2 - already! Wow! I have even impressed myself...just kidding! Of course, it helped a lot that block #2 had only five pieces that were a bit bigger than all those pieces in the first block. However, Block #3 does have quite a few. I'm sure there will not be as quick a finish on that one. Besides, I still have to cut out all the parts for that one!

Anyway, here's Block #2, (oops...I just noticed a little tiny piece of basting thread I forgot to pull out on that egg...)

I think it looks like the fabrics from this block and Block #1 do not go very well together. That's just my terrible picture taking abilities...the colors actually do look very nice together with the first block.


  1. Congratulations Michele, this second block looks so lovely !your little rabbit is so cute in his egg ...
    And I love your fabric choice :)

  2. Your block looks wonderful! Love the color choices :)

  3. I love how your blocks are turning out almost enough to start my block of the month kit - you do see I said almost. Too many stitching commitments to start that now - maybe in the winter. Lots of Love Patti xxx

  4. It's going to be a lovely quilt - well done so far!

  5. How beautiful! Love the bunny and what a gorgeous quilt this will be.
