Sunday, June 14, 2009


I really, really like the soft neutral colors of Lakeside Linen. However, the price...not so much.:)

So I decided to give tea dyeing a try this morning. I looked in my drawer of white fabric and picked out several pieces, different counts, Lugana, Cashel and Belfast. I think there may even be a Wichelt linen in there, too. Threw them all in the pot...and look! All of these fabrics came out of the same pot (and were all in there together the same amount of time):

And they all feel so nice and soft, too! All in all, after the dyeing and the pressing - an hour of time. :)

Now to give them a try on my Blackbird Design monthly stockings.


  1. Oh my gosh. These are all wonderful. You just did that with tea?

  2. They are all wonderful! I really need to try this with pieces of linen that are too white.

  3. Wonderful job Michele : you could have different shades :-))

  4. Thanks everyone! I'm really happy with the colors.

    Gabi...A large pot of water with two family-sized teabags that were steeped for about 10 minutes. I added all the fabrics at once and let them soak for half an hour. I may try different times for soaking next time. :)
