Saturday, August 29, 2009

A sheep and the other half

I finished my little sheep from Shepherds Bush, "Home". But when I went to attach the little hat button did not have any holes drilled into it. I guess I could try to do it myself, but knowing me....I am sure the button will be destroyed. I'll try and give Shepherds Bush Shop a call later today and see if I can get a replacement.

And the other half? I finished by second Blackbird stocking. :) Very "Halloweeny" with the rusts and black.

Thanks to all of you who continue to stop by and visit. I love reading your comments and following all the links to your blogs.


  1. My goodness, you've been busy! I see lots of lovely stitching. You'll have a whole pile of stockings in no time!

  2. Great finishes!!! And about that button - sometimes they're made with a material that if you take a needle and give it a little tap it will make a hole for you. I had that happen one time and it worked.

  3. I like your new finishes , Michele :)
    I hope you have a new button for your SB design !!
