Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"Alien Sailors"

OK ~ the entire time I am stitching all these little guys (and I am assuming they must be sailors), all I kept thinking was "What the heck are these bubble-butted aliens doing on my ship?"....plus, if you look closely, there is a lady one, too!:))

BTW ~ this is Page 7 of the mystery.


  1. Oh Michele ....you make many progresseson this design .
    It is very beautiful !!

  2. I found your blog through Debbie's blog Thread Gatherer and I really loved reading it. You have great projects going on. I have to come back more often to see more of your progresses.

  3. You've chosen a lovely colour for this sampler, and it's very pretty so far!

  4. ROFLOL Your sailors do have funny heads!

  5. I laughed so hard when I read your "bubble-butted aliens" comment. You know how some people say that aliens helped ancient civilizations along? Maybe those are your sailor-aliens.

    Your stitching is lovely either way.

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