Tuesday, September 15, 2009

....and a little more....

Tired of this one yet? Gingerbread House - that is!

Here's the first roof panel finished.

And the first side of the house.


  1. Michele you're terrible. I'm drooling again on my keyboard and it's all your fault!!!
    Gorgeous stitching. Trying sooo hard to resist here and you're not making that any easier....lol. Bad girl!!

  2. Oh !! Michele, your little house is turning out very cute : I love all these bright colors on this almond color ....and you know ....I always am waiting for mines !! It is too hard !!!

  3. This is turning out great. I can't wait to see more progress and then it put together!

  4. Ooo, it's soooo pretty! I can't wait to see it completed!
