Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wandering Shepherd

Last night while looking through my Shepherds Bush kits and charts, I came across this one. It was almost done! Now why had I put it away? No clue...anyway, I stitched up the last four rows, attached the sterling silver shepherd and voila! It is done!


Oh, don't worry....I am still stitching away on the front of my Gingerbread House today.


  1. aww that's cheating I think LOL. That is great to have something that you can complete quickly especially when its a UFO!

  2. Congrats on your finish! I have quite a few projects like that LOL :) So close, but stashed away for some reason!

  3. Congratulations Michele :-)) on your new SB finish : so cute and lovely !!

  4. Beautiful, what pretty colours! And great going on the house!

  5. Sweet design and great finish! I think all of us are guilty at some point of stashing something almost finished away. Couldn't give you a clue as to why we do that - probably something new and exciting just caught our attention. It looks wonderful!
