Friday, October 16, 2009

Let's talk Jessicas....

the stitch, that is!

Lots and lots of little Jessica stitches. Now Algerian eyelets are my least favorite stitch. But in second place for that distinction, is the Jessica stitch. I guess because it takes a while to stitch each one, and I want to move onto something different a little more quickly.

Now I have decided that I will not stitch Algerian eyelets over one (if I can help it). So, I thought why not the same thing with Jessicas?

When I use one thread and go into each hole, my Jessica stitches just look like bumps. But when I stitch them with two threads over two threads, they actually seem to have a little more definition. A new resolution for me - no more Jessicas over one....;)


  1. You brave, brave woman! That kind of stuff scares me silly!!!

    Looks absolutely gorgeous!

  2. I hear you on that! I love Jessicas but they're time-consuming and I definitely wouldn't want to do them over one. Your piece is gorgeous! I've had my eye on that Faries piece but have Provence and Convents in the WIP pile so definitely don't need to start a third!!

  3. I wish I read this about the Jessica's before I stitched mine over one with one thread.....
    They are very pretty this way!

  4. Your stithcing is turning out beautiful with all these beautiful speciality stitches :-)
    Very well done !!
