Tuesday, October 6, 2009


It's about time! That's right....I can hear you say it....

The bottom portion of the house is together. Not perfect, but I'm happy with it. Check out the fabric I used for the inside....see all the little gingerbread men who came to live in their new house?

And another view:


  1. Michele - It looks great!! And I can still remember you saying that it wouldn't be done for THIS Christmas...yea, right!!!


  2. That looks so charming! Well done so far, Michele!

  3. I hope that you didn't think that we were all trying to rush you or anything! LOL I love it and you're doing a wonderful job of putting it together. The lining fabric is so perfect for it!!

  4. Michele , your little house is turning out great : what do you say ?? it isnt perfect ?? I see it perfectly done and more the fabric youchose for it is very nice .
    Many congrats to you : really well done :-))
    Have a very nice day !

  5. Lovely already. I love your choice of fabric.

  6. Oh my, it looks awesome so far!

    Hummm, I didn't know these were like boxes, I guess I thought they were stuffed. Does it open up once the roof is on?

  7. This is just so cute! The little gingerbread men in the fabric is great.

  8. It's looking fantastic Michele

  9. That house looks GREAT! I don't think I would have the patience to piece together though (bad finisher) anyways can't wait to see the roof on too!

  10. Hello, I am going to begin this lovely project. Yours is great, and the fabric inside is fantastic.
