Sunday, November 15, 2009

Another Pillow!

I LOVE my new pillow!! I was looking at various patterns when I was trying to find one for my curtains. I had seen a pillow similar to this one. I thought...ya know...I am not spending all the money for a pattern for one pillow. I knew I could come up with something on my own. I am thrilled with it. More leftover fabric from the curtains. I had purchased a rectangular pillow form in the hopes that I would be successful.

An hour and a half later and some thinking about the logistics of this one....and TA DA!! I think it took me longer to sew on the buttons than to actually make the pillow!

Here's a shot of Rusty, the new rug and the curtains. (Sorry, it's really blurry...but the others did not have Rusty in them.)
Although it does not show very well, the rug has a pattern of leaves and stems in it. And...a picture of one of the new end tables with the new lamps:
Don't ask me why the pillow is on top of the chair....I guess someone did not want to sit on it! ;)


  1. That first pillow is adorable.
    A tutorial, a guide, a how-to! The teeming masses (me) want to know how to make one!

  2. That pillow is pretty! You did a great job!

    Rusty is mighty cute there in this pic........ ;)

    Feathers in the Nest

  3. Very nice pillow idea. It's so good to see something a little different! You did a great job on it! Rusty looks like such a sweetie. And you know, pillows end up on my sofa like that too - I think it's ghosts!

  4. Great pillow! Love your progress on Fairies too.

  5. Thanks, everyone.

    Now a tutorial??? Since I kind of did this as I went along...I would probably have to make another one to explain all the different steps.....
