Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I love this little guy!

How cute is this little sheep? He is a part of my July block for Bunny Hill's A Tisket, A Tasket freebie BOM.

OK - see those blue lines...those are a removable marker, by the way. I am trying to help myself regulate the size of my blanket stitches. I was having a terrible time, so decided to try anything. Blanket stitching is one of the few things I have never really done.

How about his face? Something I did not plan...those little blue polka dots were just a part of the pattern on the fabric. When I turned the fabric over, I had the perfect little eyes for my sheep!


  1. I love your sheep! And I think I'm going to love your quilt when you're finished. I've seen the parts on the BH site and think it's the sweetest thing! Can't wait to see more of your blocks.

  2. I use that same kind of pen. Aren't they great? I love your tip for getting the blanket stitches even! I don't do a hole lot of them so I'm not super good at it.That's an awesome way to keep them even and I'll be sure to use that tip in the future! Your sheep is very cute!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That was me that deleted the post. For some reason it posted twice even though I didn't click twice. Puzzling...
