Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?

Are you singing it??? Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose, and if you ever saw it...(which you can see here) would even say it glows. (I ran out of DMC 839, so there are just a few little stitches missing until I get another skein.)

Yep, the last one....all nine reindeer are done! Woohoo! Now Santa is another story....

The sleigh and the reindeer are what to do with them, what to do? I was planning on combining everyone into one quilt....Just have to figure out how I want that quilt to look first!

At least Rudolph is ready to lead the sleigh for this Christmas in all his sparkling splendor.


  1. Your reindeer is beautiful !!!
    Congrats !

  2. Oh goodness! Take a picture of them all together and show us! PLEASE! My friend is working on this one now's so pretty!

  3. Oh beautiful! Great accomplishment, Michele. I'd love to see them all together.

  4. Yay! I have been following these for a while. They are so cute. Can't wait to see how you are going to finish.

  5. Wow all of them are done!
    I am jealous. I have the patterns, cloth, and beads but have not started yet.
