Thursday, January 21, 2010


Nora Corbett's Letter "N" Fairy - Nina. Yep....started another letter fairy, finally. Nina is the fourteenth one! She is one of my favorites - her dress is purple and I love the gold beads that go down the leg of the letter "N". Here she is, with the fairy done (except for her beads) and the first half of the letter N stitched:
Plus, a little fairy close-up:

*** Note....I may have to stop my little game with the one word titles for my posts....It seems that they attract more unwanted attention, for some reason....if my problems with undesirable posts continues, I may have to resort to restricting the comments that are allowed.***

~ And, as the saying goes (and one I follow when posting on others blogs, if you cannot say something nice, then say nothing at all!~


  1. Sorry to read that you're still having problems, I hope they go away soon.

    Nina looks lovely!

  2. Michele, just turn moderating on. I have a Wordpress blog but I know there are various add-ons so that you can stop spam comments. The one I use for Wordpress is nice, if it's a person's first time commenting on my blog I have to moderate them. Once I ok them I never have to again and they can comment without delay. My filter also tags Spam as spam.

    99% of Spam comments are done by computer - there is no person out there reading your blog and then posting their porn spam - it's all automated.

    As to nasty cross stitch commentators - I suggest mocking them in public.

  3. Ohhh....Nina looks great. Just lovely.

    If you get nasty might consider leaving them for the world to see (and don't allow anonymous comments) which might hit back on them... or simply turn moderation on for a while if it's spam. After a while you might be able to put moderation off again. Personally I,m not a fan of moderation, but if it's needed then it does make sense.

  4. Sorry you're having problems. Just moderate or use the word verification thing. It gets rid of automated spam. (Well, you still have to worry about those human ones, but aren't that many of those).

    You've done quite a bit on Nina if you just started. She looks about halfway done!

  5. I've been interested in her letters. My name is Nancy, so glad to see a WIP on N!
