Wednesday, January 13, 2010


  • Odd that I am stitching this particular design at all.
  • Odd that I am stitching this design, and am not sure I like it.
  • Odd colors for a Christmas tree ~ red ornaments, tree....hmmmm
  • Odd, but as an avid collector of Mirabilia Designs, only bought this to put in my collection, and now I am stitching it.
  • Odd that is has less actual stitching on it, compared to the ton of beads, larger beads, marguerites, teardrops and braid.
  • Odd, but it did not receive the rave reviews that Nora's designs usually do.
  • Odd, but can you tell I am having fun with these little "bullets?"
OK, OK, enough with the "oddness"....:)) Here it is, my progress on Mirabilia's 2009 Christmas Tree(the urn below the tree is also finished, just not pictured):


  1. In an 'odd' way, it *does* work, Michele, and I can imagine that you are enjoying the stitching.

  2. I haven't seen this one finished yet.
    It's very different from all her other Christmas trees and I think that put a lot of people off. And then the kit's pretty expensive, so I think folks held off.

    Personally I like it best of all her trees.

    Looking forwrad to seeing it finished.

  3. For all the oddities in this piece, I really like it!

  4. Very nice colours. And I love the variety of beads on it.

  5. It's different. But I like it. And it's good to be odd from time to time

  6. I think its beautiful :) Can't wait to see it done, the beads and red color is very interesting to me.

  7. It is striking and funky, but I like it! So nice to see a close-up. Are you stitching it as a gift?

  8. Nope, not as a gift....just another of my "many" WIP's. ;)
