Saturday, January 16, 2010


As soon as I typed the word "special" it made me think of the Church Lady from Saturday Night Live..."isn't that special?" But it's really the word in my Lizzie Kate piece....
What is "special" is there is another reindeer/Rudolph!! Can you believe it? I think now the little guys are looking for me! Here's Rudolph's close-up. Isn't he "special?" Look how little he is...and yes, there is a red little nose, too!

Since I needed a little break from all the "big" projects I was working on, I pulled this one out and did a few letters and Rudolph.

I also wanted to take a moment to explain the end of my last post. I have been getting a few unwanted replies on recent posts as well as past posts. Sorry, if I sounded a bit abrupt...but I honestly don't want to be the vehicle to sell other's products or read derogatory comments. If I do not recognize your post, (most Anonymous posts) I will probably delete it. My blog is meant to be a "happy" place....stitching, quilting, things. If a post makes me unhappy, I reserve the right to get rid of it! OK - time to jump down from that soap box!

Have a great weekend!


  1. sorry that you had some nasty comments. never fun!

  2. I've been getting some crazy comments lately too. Most of them I just delete because they're talking about some pretty strange things. I guess it just happens with Blogger!!

  3. Your Lizzie Kate looks great. Sorry to hear that you got spam and nasty comments. Indeed - blogs should be a fun place!! Couldn't agree more.

  4. My little Rudoplh on this piece is still missing his nose, lol. I had no idea you were stitching this too, looks great.

  5. Oh Michele, I really think you definitively love the small reindeers with bright and red nose :-))
    Have fun !!

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