Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Admittedly, this is a very goofy picture.  But as I was stitching away on my letter fairies, I got to thinking about things.  About Kathleen, who had a bit of an accident (and who, I know, reads my blog), these letters, and so on.  Was there actually anything I could spell at this point?  Well, almost.  Without stitching another E, and still missing the yet to be stitched T, here is my hastily pieced together word.  Just for you, Kathleen!  I hope this cheers you up a bit or just makes you laugh out loud!  I wish you the speediest of recoveries and send you all my best wishes.:))  (click on picture to see the whole thing)
And yes, I know there is very little extra fabric on the letter K.  But, remember, I am going to make this into a quilt.  I really don't need much of a seam allowance.;))


  1. Can't wait to see the quilt ;-)

  2. This quilt is going to be phenomenal when it's finished!

  3. What fun!
    Can't wait to see the quilt!

  4. What a nice idea Michele ! and I am sure your friend Kathleen will like it :-)
