Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Very, very difficult to get the pictures I really wanted for this one.  Big -  humongous Happy Dance time!

The Reindeer Quilt Is Done!!  WooHoo!! A few shots...and yes, some of them are a little bit weird angles.....there are still a few crystals I want to attach, but they probably would not show in any of the photos any way.

Mind you, this quilt takes up the entire top of my kitchen table!

Above you can see the connecting ribbons and crystals I attached to each reindeer.

You can see one of the reindeer names that I quilted into the border on this one.   And ...my little verse for Rudolph.

I must say - cross stitching and quilting were not the easiest thing to combine...but overall, I am pretty happy with the end result.


  1. It looks gorgeous! Weird angles and all. Love the words in the material. It must look great in person!

  2. It looks outstanding! You had great vision for this one...CONGRATULATIONS!

  3. What a pretty quilt! I can't imagine the time it took to stitch and quilt this one. What a treasure!

  4. WOO HOO! ***happy dance*** Congratulations on a truly amazing finish! WOO HOO!

  5. i would consider it a wonder to stitch just one reindeer
    you have created a holiday heirloom
    way to go!

  6. Absolutely incredible. It is just so beautiful. Now, on the letters quilt?

  7. Congratulations on this finish.
    You made a beautiful combination of stitching and quilting.

  8. Wow, what a beautiful quilt. One stitched with dedication and love. Very pretty.
    Be always in stitches.

  9. Oh my, it's spectacular! Well done, Michele! Nice start on the Chatelaine too.

  10. I wouldn't just be happy - I'd be besides myself! You did a wonderful job combining xstitch and quilting. Oh my gosh. It's beautiful! I bet you're going to look at this all day long. Fantastic!!

  11. Congratualtions Michelle: it's beautiful as everyting you touch ;-)

  12. Hi Michele, you did a wonderful work with these pretty reindeers : your quilt is just awesome : I like it !!

    Have a great week-end ,
