Saturday, May 1, 2010


It's official....yep....spring has definitely sprung around here.  I have some serious spring fever.  Don't get me wrong...I'm stitching..I'm quilting...but for some odd reason...I have not been on the computer much at all.  Doing a few "spring cleaning" type things around the curtains for the bedroom...a new shelf for the bathroom.  That kind of stuff.  Hopefully, I will feel like taking a few pictures of some of my progress on a few different  Three French Hens by Nora Corbett....the Weihenburg SAL Contest sampler..a few blocks for my All Cooped Up quilt....See?  I have been busy...just haven't felt like blogging lately.  Back (hopefully) with some pictures soon.  :)


  1. Enjoy the cleaning; new curtains and other changes are always nice to be busy with.
    As long as you still have some time to stitch everything is in balance.

  2. It's got to be the time of the year. When Spring hits it's like renewal time - clean the house, clean out closets, etc. Doesn't leave a lot of time for blogging! Hope that you get lots done!
