Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Yep...I signed up for this monstrous project.  It is a Chatelaine Design.  Normally, her mysteries/designs are for a year.  This one is for T W O years!!  Anyway - my little start on the top central portion of the design.

No beads or crystals added yet;  plus the entire background for this portion gets filled in with the pale green color!


  1. Beautiful start! I'll be watching this one, but I haven't got the courage to get it!

  2. A gorgeous start! This looks like it will be a stunning piece!

  3. Oh goodness! I'm going to love watching your progress on this. My girlfriend is doing it and tried to get me into the fray, but I'm holding off! It's a huge project, but it should be fun. Chatelaine's are always wonderful!

  4. I love the colours, I'm sure it will be stunning!
