Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ta Da!

 Not Friends for Christmas (yet)...Block #3 from my Vintage Valentine which has been languishing away in its plastic bin....Block #3 has been traced and cut out for a while.  I finally decided to work on this block last week and put the final buttons and pearls on this morning!
 I find it extremely difficult to locate a place in the house to lay out the quilt and get a picture (I am not going to say "decent picture", since I rarely get any of those!)  Seeing it all together makes a big difference!  A fun project, even though the blocks were huge!


  1. Oh my goodness do I love that block! It's so sweet! And your penquin quilt is absolutely adorable too.

  2. The heart block is just beautiful -

  3. The block is so cute ! I love that Penguin Quilt!!
