Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Everybody snowed in?

Lots and lots of snow across the country...we have a bit here in Maryland, too, but not quite as much as a lot of other places.  But being snowed in does have one advantage for me...even if it is a "forced" confinement by myself.  I do get a lot more done on my (ahem) numerous projects. 

And, as if I don't have enough to keep me occupied, I insanely volunteered to complete the Rabbits Prefer Chocolate quilt by Bunny Hill Designs for Bears Paw Fabrics.   Yep, go ahead...say it...I know you must be thinking it....that girl is crazy!  LOL! ;)  But once I commit to something, I forge ahead.  A little bit of "forging" has been done in that regard...the first three blocks of Rabbits Prefer Chocolates, with fabics supplied by Bears Paw Fabrics.
All the little critters still need "eyes".  I have buttons to attach, which will be done once I get Block 4 done.

Now, some of you may not know this, but I have already made this quilt once.  Way back...when I first started quilting again ('bout 2 years ago).  I had never done any applique before that quilt.  I can defintely see from that quilt to this one how much my methods and abilities concerning applique have improved.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I love this project!! YGG--talk about full steam ahead! ;) Be careful that the steam doesn't melt the chocolate.

    Sorry. I had to say it. LOL
