Friday, February 18, 2011

Oh, No!!

Oh, no...oh, is another one.  Yup...another freebie Block of the Month.  It is called "Home Sweet Home" from Paula Stoddard of Pacific Patchwork.It can be found on her blog. Quilt Happy (scroll down a bit past the picture of the cute Boston Terrier).  I found this quite by accident.  It is supposed to be a "stitchery" type block each month.  However, in my infinite wisdom...I decided to deviate from the normal path on this one.  I decided to do all the letters and their pieces in wool applique.  (Notice a trend starting here??)  I am also going to go completely out of my "safe" zone of colors.  I had purchased a jellyroll of the new "Sunkissed" fabric and have chosen a few of these fabrics to use for this pattern.  Each letter square is only 4 1/2 inches applique pieces are vewy, vewy (ala Elmer Fudd) tiny.  The upside to the size is that it is relatively quick to stitch up...check out my first letter:
I was really surpirsed the background fabric design showed up so well in the photograph.  The Sunkissed fabrics will be used for the borders.


  1. Cute! Your list of projects is getting longer and longer. It is always a surprise to see what you have done since your last post.

  2. Love your H in this project. THANK you for sharing the link. I am going to try this myself. I loved looking at your blog. I will definitely be checking back in! I found you via It's Daffycat!
