Sunday, March 20, 2011


Springing....not a word in the sense I am using it....Spring is about to be sprung!!  Yeah!  Finally, the weather is a bit warmer, the grass is beginning to show a hint of green  and all the llittle buds are appearing on the ends of the branches of the trees. 

Now a few (very wrinkly) pictures of my Rabbits Prefer Chocolate blocks all together.  I have three more borders to applique with the scallops for the final finish on this one.  I had ironed it all nice and pretty to show Judy at Bears Paw Fabrics.  Of couse, afterwards it was folded and put into a bag to carry home...hence all the wrinkles.  I intend to press it once again after the remaining three borders are attached.


  1. Lovely bunnies and great stitching! Cannot wait to see it when it's all done.

  2. It looks lovely! Can't wait to see it finished.
