Saturday, July 30, 2011

From Halloween to Christmas

I made a list.  A pretty loong list.  Of what?  My quilting WIP's (notice I did not say ALL my WIP's).  It was actually to give myself an idea of what I might be able to finish before the end of the year.  After looking at this list, I tried to decide which project(s) I would like to really have done.  Of course I want them all done, but let's face it, that's not gonna happen!  

After Halloween-themed projects, Christmas comes in pretty close as my next favorite.  With that in mind, I decided to work and try and catch up with Night Before Christmas by Bunny Hill Designs.  I actually made some decent progress.  I put together all the 'pieces' for Block 5.  Then I began working on Block 6, a cute little mouse with a present and Santa.  It is done!
My cute litle girl mouse. :)


and Block 6, all together!

I started on Block 7, too!  Now I am really starting to feel like I am getting somewhere!  And....drumroll, please....all six blocks are assembled together now, too.   Not too shabby for three days work.   No pictures of all six, yet.  Stay tuned!


  1. Smoking needles over there! ;o) The little mouse is very cute. Quite a long to do list in the side bar of your blog. And I wonder how many secret projects you have. Looking forward to see a picture of all six blocks joined.

  2. Te ha quedado precioso, yo también lo tengo hecho y me encanta como esta quedando.

  3. WHOA,what great progress!

    I love both the little mouse and the Santa.

    Can't wait to see all six blocks together!

  4. That mouse looks SO adorable. So does Santa.
