Friday, September 23, 2011

Gone a little buggy!

I guess those who know me would probably say...'that's nothing new!'....But this is a different kind.  I have been working along on my little primittive 'bizzy garden'...and these little guys were not originally a part of the plan.  How could I resist?  I particularly love this little guy and am pretty pleased with how he has come along (albeit at a very s l o w pace). ;))
This is the block where he belongs:
And then these little guys thought there must be a picnic going on....
a quick look at the rest of their block.
( is definitely a conspiracy..that black thread was not there when I was getting this ready!) :))

Be on the lookout for a few more little 'critters!'

** For "Blu"....being lazy, I did not check to see how many legs an ant just went with the flow...:) **   Thanks for checking them out...and  I really do appreciate your great comments. **


  1. Michele, that is SO cute!! I just love it. Bugs in stitching and quilting are great fun. In real life--not quite so much. ;)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. This is very cute, Michele! Well done for coming up with this design.

    Blame those ants for the thread. They love carrying things, don't they.

  3. Your quilt will turn out out quite delightful. The blocks are wonderful. I'm having fun following.

  4. Buggy blocks looking good Michele!!
    Happy stitching!! 8-)

  5. Oh this is so cute!

    (Although, the neurotic in me must point out that your ants appear to have four legs on one side and as insects they should only have three per side...)
