Friday, September 2, 2011


Well, I tried all day yesterday to post, to no avail.  I had prepared a nice long post about Hurricane's try again.  We were definitely affected by the hurricane, but thankfully, not any extensive damage was done.  Mainly, was the loss of power for approximately 40 some hours.  A lot of branches and leaves were down, but other than that, nothing major.  However, you would think I would have done a lot of stitching.  Not so...without lights, not a lot of stitching or quilting was accomplished.  But...the good thing is that my house is cleaner and more organized than it has been for a while! ;))

Just before Irene, I had finished my last block for 'Bewitched.'  I decided to redo my house block, as I was not completely satisfied with my first attempt.  I do like this one much better.  It does still need a bit of extra embroidery to be completely done, but take a peek:
I do like this one much better.  Now to add the final details.
Here's a closer look at the door and windows:
Thanks for dropping by.  I hope everyone is well, and safe.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice work on the block, Michele. Glad you didn't have any major damage. My parents (in VA) just got power back last night. That's a long time to go without! Yeah on the organzied, clean house!
