Saturday, November 12, 2011

...Pears and Snails....

...a funny combination, no?  :)  These are two small parts of my second block for In My Garden.  A few pear trees...just a glimpse of those for now (since I am stilll working on the applique).  And the snails!  I love, no, no.....not real snails, a bit too much like slugs for me...  :p  yuck...Fabric snails, of course.  This little 'snail train' has a total of seven of these cute guys.  The shell is the size of a quarter, to give you a bit of perspective.

The snail's bodies and the pears are done with wool felt. In the background you can see the beginning of my pear trees. 

 This has been a fun block to work on; still to come:  dragonflies and butterflies!


  1. Fun and dare I say it CUTE snails too! I've never seen snails in wool before and think I LIKE them!

  2. Snails and dragonflies and butterflies!! I'm starting to drool. :) Love watching your work on this one.
