Tuesday, February 7, 2012


While trying to decide on the different portions for my Christmas quilt, I had made lots of little 'doodles' about a few ideas I might use.  This quilt developed from such a tiny little drawing..one that i intended not to use in my Christmas quilt...but he insisted on being made.  In fact, all along the way, it seemed that the decision to use a particular fabric had already been made for each portion as I went along.  I actually put this top together on Sunday and Monday, finishing up with the final border this morning.

Now, in the way of explanation....my two sons are grown, in college.  My friends are all too old to have children and I have no one in my family who is currently expecting a baby.  So, why am I making this design?  Don't have a clue, other than "Doodle" kept calling to me to create him.  After such a  long introduction, here's "Doodle:"

The top border is not showing, but is the same red fabric as the rest.  I intend to use a blue binding for when this is all complete.  Doodle was a lot of fun to make; I hope you enjoy him, too!


  1. He is ever so cute, Michele!
    Love his name too. And your choice of fabrics is perfect, as always!

    How clever of you to be able to make your own designs! Way to go!

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Doodle is adorable! I envy your designing ability!

  3. You can start a "Hope Chest" for future grandkids! Never hurts to get ahead, lol. I love it!

  4. He's great, I love it when ideas come out from sketches. And I know what you mean...sometimes you just feel the need to make a 'certain' kind of quilt. I'm sure he'll find a special spot somewhere, he's too cute to pack away!
