Sunday, February 26, 2012


Take a peek at this picture....Looks like a small quilt small is it?  Is that a huge bottle of glue sitting with it?  Or  a small (2 oz. size) bottle?

This is my first little mini quilt for my Blessings of Summer  by Shabby Fabrics quilt.  The entire little quilt is only 4" square.  Each little pinwheel block is l" square.  Each four patch square is also l".  Now I do realize that the teeny blocks are far from perfect...but for my first effort...I do have a smile on my face when I look at it. :))

Another look:


  1. Oh my goodness, what a wonder you are to sew together such small pieces that look so good!!!!! Kudos to you .... I could NOT do it. Love the colours you used.

  2. Very cute and probably very fiddly too!

  3. For your first attempt at a small block, I think that you did a fantastic job. It looks wonderful and like anything else - it takes practice. Those little pieces can be real stinkers to put together.
