Tuesday, April 24, 2012

........Drumroll, please.......

I have been playing around with a new idea I had.  What follows is the result of yet another tiny, little sketch.  I do intend to make more of this little girl (and maybe even add a boy), since I had so much fun creating this one.   Again....drumroll, please.....Introducing:  Annabelle.
Annabelle - The Sailor
Here is another shot of her little boat:

Annabelle's Boat
I am not, however, going to post the entire picture here of Annabelle.  Since she is my new idea, I do want to try and protect her.  After all, she is my new baby!


  1. Annabelle is ever so cute and how sensible you are not to post her whole picture on your blog.

    Looking forward to seeing more adventures of this cute little girl.

  2. She is just adorable!! Maybe you could put a watermark across your pictures so that people would know where they came from. But then again, maybe it's best that you protect what you've done. They're so cute that someone will want them!

  3. I saw your little bunny on esther's blog. I had to come see what you have been doing. I have looked at all the posts so far and the photos are just adorable. You are so creative.
