Thursday, June 21, 2012


I know..I know...where the heck did I go?  I have been having a few of those days where I have not been able to decide what to do darn many projects...and definitely not enough time!  Usually when I am feeling overwhelmed like this, I work on something totally different.  That's exactly what I did!

I had joined Lynette Anderson's latest BOM, called Fernhill, a few months back.  I had barely started the stitching for the first block. I can say that Block 1 is done!  Take a peek:

Lots and lots of little tiny leaves.  I used threads that were a close match to the recommended threads, or the recommended ones, if I had them.  The only big change was for the leaves.  I used Threadgather's Silk'n Colors Autumn Leaves.

Onto Block 2, which has a very cute squirrel button.