Saturday, July 14, 2012


OK, hanging my head in shame....bad blogger, bad blogger.  Where did I go?  It must have been the hot weather we have had.  I have not felt like blogging about anything.  I have been working on a few things...but again...just jumping around from one thing to the next.  Annabelle, then  Sew Spooky, even a couple of chicken blocks for my Red Barn quilt (which has not seen the light of day for months)..My Tweets center block with the Japanese fabrics....even a tiny bit on the little shepherdess for the Quilt Me Club. 

No pictures of any of those projects (just yet).  I did start Block 2 for Fernhill.  I was starting to get upset with myself for a bit, since I could not find the pattern for Block 3.  I did not want to keep working on Fernhill until I found it! :(  F i n a l l y !   Of course, it was no where near where I thought I had put it.  :)  But inpsiration struck once again.  I decided to make all the patchwork portions necessary for all four blocks that we have been given, so far.  These included four small log cabin blocks.  The pattern suggested using a mix of blues and browns.  I had just recently purchased some gorgeous fabrics from Shabby Fabrics made by Lecien called Antique Flower (the brick set).  I decided to use these for the log cabin blocks, as well as some of the Japanese fabrics I already had.

(not exactly brick, are they?...but they are scrumptious!)
As I was constructing the blocks for the stitchery, I got to thinking about the layout for the quilt.  Think this is a possibility?
The empty blocks have the buttons on them for the stitchery blocks.  Now, to finish off those little bluebells for Block 2!


  1. WOW Michele! Beautiful fabrics! And the stitcheries are lovely.

  2. We're doing a SAL without realising! :o)

    Your Fernhill is gorgeous. I love your fabrics. Are they Japanese?

  3. I just *love* the stitchery! Wonderful fabrics for it, too.
