Friday, August 31, 2012

Country Cottages.....

again!  Back when this BOM first started, I was feeling pretty ambitious.  I thought I would reduce the size of each block to 6", so that my finished quilt would not be so large. March, reality set in, and I decided to go ahead with the designed dimensions.  I had done January's and February's block as six inches.  I kept up with all the other blocks at the regular size....which meant I had two blocks to redo.  Finally, here are the January and February blocks in the 12 1/2" by 12 1/2" size.

A few details for this block:
I wasn't too happy with the snowman's hat and redid it a little, as well as the face and a portion of the scarf.  No giant snowflakes in the sky, either.  I did those in the six inch size and did not think they added that much to the block.

Here's February:
This one has become one of my favorites.  A few of the details for this one:

I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone for stopping by to visit.  I especially enjoy reading the various comments left by those taking a few minutes out of their day to do so. :))



  1. I have been saving the cottage patterns but not made any of the blocks. Good for you keeping up with them. Enjoyed my visit to your blog today.

  2. Just beautiful Michele, I love your artistry, and the colors and patterns are just awesome.
    I love that snowman!
    Have a great day

  3. Very cute new blocks! This is going to be another beautiful quilt.
