Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Christmas Quilt...a little more!

Have a look at my progress, so far.  Lots of stitchery blocks in this it does take a bit to complete things.

A close-up of the small angel.

The stitching girl on the "Home is Where the Heart is" block.

 A little closer view of the bear block joined with the angel and stitching girl.
The credit for these beautiful blocks goes to Bronwyn Hayes of The Red Brolly.  Go take a look!  The next block is ready. :)


  1. Oh my goodness, look at all that progress! And how gorgeous it is too!

    So much fun, isn't it, applique, stitchery and patchwork combined :o) Wait till you start Red home!

  2. Oh my - I'm in awe of your progress!!! It's drop dead gorgeous. I need to get busy.

  3. Very pretty, Michelle! It's going to be so fabulous when complete!

  4. I love the Home is Where the Heart Is block :D

  5. I feel like I am moving in slow motion when doing hand embroidery. Yours is done very well.
