Monday, October 1, 2012


Done!  Here it is....Annabelle's Christmas Quilt!  It went together so quickly, that now I am having a bit of separation anxiety....I miss my little Christmas bunny!  So I got to thinking...sometimes a good thing...;)
Remember the Annabelle Doll I made?  I thought it was time for her to have a new to match her new quilt.  It took a bit of figuring.  I even test stitched one before I made the final outfit...something highly unusual for me.  However, I did not want to waste the piece of beautiful black woven fabric I had.  It was worth it!  Here is Annabelle in her new winter outfit (just like Block 6 on the quilt!):
Her felt hat has the same holly leaves...the coat, its cute sailor collar, and the pleat in the back of the coat held together with two tiny red buttons.  Of course, just like the quilt block, four red buttons for the front and some crisp, white cuffs with their black buttons for the sleeves!

Another shot of Annabelle, showing the details of her pretty new coat:
Now, remember...I am not a doll maker, nor do I usually make doll clothes.  But.....I LOVE this little outfit for my bunny and am thrilled with out it turned out!


  1. What a lovely job you did on designing and sewing her outfit and the quilt.

    Congratulations, I love her.

  2. What a lively wall hanging with all those cute Annabelle's. The grey felted wool that I ordered for Annabelle arrived today so I will start thiss week making the first page of the Annabelle book....

  3. You did such a wonderful job on her outfit. You really have a talent!

  4. Oh !Michele, many many congrats on your so pretty Anabelle quilt : I love how you did Annabelle's outfit : tiny details so beautiful !!
    Have a great morning :)

  5. So sweet. You did a wonderful job. I am so impressed as my brain just doesn't work in 3D.

  6. *Love* the Anabelle Christmas quilt :) And her outfit looks marvelous. It must be really tricky to sew the tiny parts, like the little tab on the back of her coat!

  7. Ohhhhhhhhhh Michele not sure which one to talk about first, two BIG shows in one go!!!!! Anabelles finished Xmas quilt is as lovely as I thought it would be, but her new outfit is stunning, so much detail she must be the proudest wee bunny ever. Hugs Glenda
