Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I know...

you are probably saying...'where the devil did she go?"  I guess I got carried away working on a few new things.  This latest has been a fun journey.  It is not Annabelle this time...someone new...for lack of a better name, she has become 'Mousie."  She is a stitcher's best friend.  She and her friends come in late at night, pick up all those notions you have left all over the place, and put them all back in your sewing basket.

Here is one of her little friends picking up a few buttons....

And what quilter does not have a basket full of all those 'necessary' items?


  1. Oh, they could visit my sewing area and have a real party picking things up for me. ;D SOoo cute!

  2. Mousie is so very sweet! And her little friends too of course.

    Can't wait to see what you come up with next; which creature you will bring to life :o)

  3. Oh Michele, your Mousie is so cute and sure, how she is working well with you and her friends!!!
