Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Busy, busy...

I feel like the little bee flitting from flower to flower with all my different ongoing projects.:)
Here's one:  Block 1 of Chateau Hexagons by.Lynette Anderson Designs.
I have also made the Mini-Block 4, Part of Block 1, of Mrs. Beasley, by Leanne Beasley .  Anne Marieke, my friend, and Jacqueline of Samsara Quilt Shop, Netherlands, chose the fabrics for me.  I wanted to step outside my usual choices of colors, so asked them to help me.  They were both kind enough to do so for me, and I love their choices!

I am showing both photographs.  One where everything is waiting to be stitched, and the other where it is all stitched.  The top picture shows the colors more realistically.  A cute block for a very nice little quilt.

Esther has released Part 2 of Love Entwined, which is now taking up the majority of my time.  Lots of discussion in her Yahoo group and tons of great WIP pictures.  Become a member of her group and check it out. :)


  1. Your Chateau Hexagon is really pretty i finished mine too. I really think this is going to be so pretty.
    regards, lisa

  2. Chateau Hexagon is lovely!
    Your friend choose beautiful fabrics for your Mrs Beasley project. Looking forward to see more of is.

  3. What a beautiful hexagon project!
