Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Wish Quilt and Bluebirds and Berries

The Wish Quilt, by Red Brolly, is a quilt that I almost finished during the time of its initial release.  However, running into a road block with one of my little star blocks, I stopped working on it.  The thought of doing all the remaining checkerboard blocks was a factor, as well.

However, once the star block hurdle was crossed, I moved forward with those checkerboards.  And...lookee here!  It is almost completed.  Four little applique hearts are to be applied to the dark burgundy rectangles, and the outer border, and it will be done!

 Now to audition those fabrics for the outer border. ;0

Another one that has languished is my Bluebirds and Berriess by Gail Pan Designs.  Mine will have to be called Blackbirds and Berries....
Another one that just needs the outer borders.  Who knows??  Maybe two more finishes before Christmas!



  1. Lovely work, Michele!
    Almost two more happy dances. Yay!

  2. Congratualation on your finish of the wish quilt. I also love you colour choices for love entwined.
