Thursday, April 16, 2015


There are times (lots) when I feel totally uninspired to work on anything.  I have a ton of projects in the works; however, there are those days when nothing, I mean nothing, appeals to me.  But, then I have one of those days where the sun is shining, the birds are chirping and a completely, brand new idea pops into my head and calls my name.  It's these sort of projects I love.  They seem to go together quickly and already complete without any struggle on what to do next. 

Wooly Patches is one of those!  Small, simple, and fun!  Little Bo Sheep and her friends make an appearance.  I knew I wanted something, simple, but graphic.  And so we have, Wooly Patches:

 A bit of patchwork; a little applique; some wool felt and checkerboards!  I think those wider borders call for a fancy quilt design!

I hope you enjoy this new one.  I had a lot of fun working on these 'wooly' friends!