Saturday, September 26, 2009

The 20,000 Ode (Get ready to laugh!)

Now a poet, I am not -
Nor claim to be.
But a goal has been achieved that
Has quite astounded me!

It has been two years and a little bit more,
Since beginning, what I thought, might be a bore.
Pictures of stitching, quilting and, yes, even the dog.
Each visitor tallied and counted upon my blog.

Who would think there would be
20,000, visits, just for me?
Not me - it's definitely true.
But fun ~ because of each of you!

Maintaining this blog has certainly been fun.
Now, let's see what else can be done.
Stitching, a bit of quilting;
Gosh, who knows what they will find.....
Once you enter this little "home" of mine.

A sillier poem has never been written,
But believe it. It's true ~
The sentiment - honest and grateful-
To each and every one of you!


  1. ***big grin*** Thanks Michele! We love your blog.

  2. Congratulations! It's a cute poem to celebrate the milestone!

  3. Love your poem and a huge congratulations!!

  4. I love your poem Michele and your blog , too :-))

  5. You do have a talent for poetry and I enjoy reading your blog!

    Feathers in the Nest
