Friday, November 6, 2009

OK.....where have you been?

I know that's what your saying....where the heck is she?

Well, finishing up those curtains. Sewing and cutting and pressing 7 yards of fabric. Not difficult sewing-wise....just tedious trying to maneuver all that fabric! But I finished up the long plaid pair last night. pictures yet, since I cannot hang them until Dave (my husband) puts up a new curtain rod for me. He couldn't put up the curtain rod last night, since he was painting that wall.
Tonight for sure! I cannot wait to see how they all look together.

Time for a little curtain happy dance!


  1. hoorah for your drapery dance
    looking forward to your pics

  2. Thanks Michele!
    Now I am really looking forward to see the colours of your new curtains.
