Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Stitching lately....no. Sewing....yes! I have been working on my first set of curtains. We are in the process of painting our living room and I (in my infinite wisdom) decided I could make new curtains, rather than buy them. Of course, this decision was reached after looking and looking at tons of pictures of curtains. No pictures yet....but I made the curtain for the front door, as well as my first set of tier curtains for the front window! Woohoo!

Now...onto the ones that are making me nervous. I bought a very nice plaid fabric (that, of course, I have to match when sewing...) and my intention is to make them into very nice long, tab-top curtains which can be drawn together at night and held back during the day with tiebacks.....we'll see.....

One good thing about drapery fabric, it does have a very nice feel to it once stitched....now to get on with those long curtains!

Wish me luck!


  1. good for you
    sewing is always a bit more of a mental challenge for me
    but when it turns out well, gosh even fairly well, then it is gratifying

  2. I can't wait to see pictures. I'm sure that they'll turn out wonderful and then you can look at them and think, "I made those myself".

  3. ohhhh what fun! I love home_made curtains. For some reason that doesn't sound right, but you know what I mean, REAL curtains :)
    I remember a set that I made a few weeks before I had back surgery. I was in pain but kindof like last week of pregnancy where you get restless or something, so I HAD to do it... They of course came out crooked, and have been hanging proudly and crooked for 7 years now :) I love them!

  4. Looking forward to see some pictures. I made our curtains myself too, and still love it. And no doubt that you'll make beautiful curtains. :)
