Friday, February 19, 2010


I have been feeding the birdies and squirrels, as I was feeling bad for them with all the snow we have had.  I had just put out some peanuts and birdseed about ten minutes earlier.  I looked out my kitchen window....and... A pink dove!...Well, not all of her(him)...Usually these doves are very drab brown and grey.  She(he) was sitting and resting on my bench.  Such a pretty mauve/pink color!  (By the way, it is usually the squirrels who are on the bench all the time!)


  1. Oh ! OH !! I never saw a pink dove before seeing that one : it is a beautiful bird and like you, I do give some feed to the birdies during the winter :-))

  2. What a sweet pink dove!

    Let's hope she brings luck.
