Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pretty Birds

Not my usual colors...every now and then I am trying to get away from the color palette I normally choose.  These bright colors are very different from my "norm," that's for sure!  But I did really like the original colors that Erin Russek is using in her latest free Block of the Month design called My Tweets.  I was able to locate a few of the same fabrics for this one.  Those I couldn't find, I tried to match closely.
 This is my Block 1m which I worked on in between all the pieces I have been doing for my Heart's Desire blocks for this month.  Those blocks are coming together very slowly, since I am trying to do all four at once.


  1. Hello,
    Wow very bright colors, my mom adors these colors and if you see a work done with them it is so beautiful but I am always afraid to use flashy colors.

  2. You are really good and beautiful colors!!:-) ♥

  3. That is so pretty Michele - gorgeous colours!

  4. Beautiful work - it is absolutely gorgeous.

  5. This looks SO beautiful. Love everything of it.
