Thursday, June 2, 2011

~ Tangent ~

Yep....I went off on another one today...tangent...that is. :)  I was trying to be good and straighten up one of the piles where some papers and quilting books were accumulating.  What do I find at the bottom?  The 12 Days of Christmas pattern I had printed out after I had ordered it from Esther Aliu. 

I had already pulled some nice green fabrics for the diamond log cabin blocks to be used for the background/tree part of the design.  And, I had already printed out a couple of the pattern pages for the paper piecing on said know what happened next. ;0)

Yep....that SADD (stitcher's attention deficit disorder) or should I say, QADD (quilter's attention deficit disorder) kicked in, and I was off!

I told myself as I was piecing these that I really should be working on my block for Heart's's sitting there, all ready, waiting for me to applique. B U T, I merely want to see if these greens all worked together.   Just one more strip, then I'll work on it, I kept telling myself.  The results of these 'inner discussions' are below, two diamond log cabin blocks,  placed on the red background fabric I intend to use for 12 Days, too. ;))


  1. It looks lovely. I can see why these fabrics didn't let you go :)

  2. Ooooh, a new project! Yay!

    Love those fabrics all together. It is going to be beautiful.

    Looking forward to seeing what you are doing for Heart's Desire block 4.

  3. Oh, beautiful! I love your bird applique, too.
